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Allah Rejects the dua of three people

The Prophet (SAW) told us and the Qur’an itself mentions it that every dua is responded to either Allah gives you what you want, or he gives you something equivalent, or he averts something away. 

Nevertheless, there is an impediment, unless there is something that is called in Arabic “mawani ad dua”. Here is very brief reminder of THE THREE MAIN FACTORS THAT PREVENT DUA from being answered.

Number one, our prophet SAW said “Allah does not accept the dua from the one whose heart is oblivious”. If your heart's not in the dua, you are not making dua. If you are just repeating something from a book, if you are just saying something like a parrot, if you have no idea what you are saying, if you don't have ikhlas and taqwa, you are just mumbling phrases. 

So the Prophet SAW said, “Allah does not accept the dua from the one whose heart is somewhere else”. 

Accordingly, if you want your dua to be answered then you had better put your heart and soul into the dua. You know what you are saying, and you are saying it with meaning. That is why when you make dua, it is better to make dua in your own language from the heart rather than to repeat something in Arabic that you do not know. Dua can be done in any language. So, the dua should come from the heart and it should have meaning to it that is the first impediment. 

Number two, the second impediment of dua not being accepted is that the issue of haram food and drink. The issue of eating and drinking from haram money. When your body is being fed from haram, and when you don't care where our money comes from, well then, the dua will be rejected.

Accordingly, our prophet SAW gave the example of the traveler who is far away from his family. He is tired, dusty, disheveled, and he is all alone. He raises his hands up to Allah. He says “ya rabbi help me! Ya rabbi help me!.” unfortunately, everything is not going to work for him. 

Then, the prophet SAW says, “his food is haram his drink is haram his clothes are haram then how do you think he will be responded to.”

So, one of the main impediments of dua is to not have halal rizq.  That is why we have to be very careful about where we earn our money from. If we eat haram, drink haram, wear haram, well then, the dua will be rejected from us.

The third impediment of dua, our prophet said “Allah will respond to every one of your dua as long as the servant is not hasty.” The sahabah said “what do you mean hasty? Does it mean we read a quick dua rather than slow?” The prophet SAW said “no”. 

The hasty one is he makes dua, and he does not see the response. So, he says Allah is not going to respond, and he stops making dua. It is because he does not see the effect of dua and the prophet SAW is saying “Allah will respond as long as you do not give up”. So giving up on Allah and saying Allah is not going to answer my dua is one of the main causes of dua not being responded.

To summarize and conclude, number one issue of dua not being responded when you are not paying attention. You are just saying things. Number two, you do not care about your rizq. You are not care about your own money is coming from. Then, the dua itself is not going to be responded. Number three, when you are hasty in dua. Don't do these things! Insyaallah your dua will be responded to.
