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A Dua to Remove All Sins

Nabi saw says, whoever says a very simple dua to remember. 

“ Astaghfirullah al-’azeem al-lazi la ilaha illa huwal-hayyil-qayyum wa atubu ilaihi” 

What is the result?

This dua removes all sins you have done. Nabi (SAW), he says that Allah would forgive him, even if he run away from the battlefield. You know that running away when you are already on the battlefield, engage in war against the enemy of Allah, and you turn your back and you run away. That is a major sin, nor a mirror sin. This dua here and nabi says, “whoever says this dua Allah would forgive him, even if he gave his back to the enemy, which is a major sin”. 

This one dua is powerful enough to even clean from the major sin, not only the mirror sins, even from the major sins. This is why dhikr is one of the most effective ways in how one purifies and clean his nafs from shaytan. 
